Checkout Location Picker for Woocommerce pro
Checkout location picker is a WooCommerce checkout map picker plugin that helps customers to pinpoint their geolocation or delivery point on a map in WooCommerce checkout page. It converts the shipping address entered by the customer to respective coordinates ( latitude & longitude ) for easy delivery access.
Current version: 1.1.12
Last updated: 16-Dec-2024
WooCommerce checkout location picker helps you to get the checkout location for product delivery as an exact geo-location in Google Maps rather than a physical address. Customers can drag the map picker in the checkout map to pinpoint the delivery’s also known as “Geolocation Picker for WooCommerce” or “delivery location map picker”
During product checkout, the marked pinpoints will be received at the backend as longitude & latitude points.
The checkout location picker plugin works based on the geocoding algorithm. Geocoding is the process of converting real addresses (like “1600 Amphitheatre parkway, CA”) into geographical coordinates (like “latitude 37.423031 and longitude 122.083739”). Hence, it is also recognized as the Geolocation Picker for WooCommerce.
The checkout location picker plugin functions as an extension alongside the WooCommerce plugin in WordPress. It does not work individually.
Why should you install a WooCommerce Checkout location Picker plugin on your checkout page?
Has it ever happened to you that you ordered something online and found yourself struggling to describe your exact location to the delivery guy? He will reach somewhere near your street and dial you. You will tell him the landmarks in detail and yet, he won’t catch up. And it takes several minutes of explanations by you and explorations (through your street of course!) by the delivery guy, you finally get your order in hand.
That’s a lot of time wasted.
Well, this checkout location picker WordPress plugin just gets rid of this chaos in your store’s product deliveries. When your customer fills in the delivery address field during cart checkout, our woocommerce checkout location picker plugin will automatically adjust the map provided alongside the entered address,ensuring easy delivery access for WooCommerce stores.
Here the customer can then pinpoint their exact location. In short, you will get the address in the exact longitude and latitude of the place, marked in your map at the backend. Which is well, a lot more convenient than describing landmarks over the phone.
WooCommerce Checkout Location Picker Free Download
How does this WooCommerce checkout location picker Plugin work?
Usually, the product purchase through a WooCommerce store takes place like this – The customer will browse through the products and add their desired items to the cart. When they are done purchasing, they proceed to the cart for checkout, wherein they should enter their payment options, billing address (and shipping address if they are different), etc. in the provided fields.
If you have installed this checkout delivery location map picker WordPress plugin, WooCommerce Checkout Location Picker, a map will be displayed alongside the checkout page. Once the customer fills in the address field, the map’s marker automatically navigates to the entered location. Further here, they can pinpoint the exact building/point where the product is to be delivered using the Location Picker at Checkout for WooCommerce. This plugin offers easy delivery access for WooCommerce and even provides geographical coordinates for the shipping address. Additionally, it includes Map-Based Checkout for WooCommerce to simplify the entire process.
With WooCommerce Delivery Location Map Picker, you can streamline the checkout page auto-addressing and enhance the customer experience by offering a map-based checkout for WooCommerce. This location picker plugin makes checkout map integration for WooCommerce effortless and provides a user-friendly Geolocation Picker for WooCommerce, turning the purchase process into an efficient and user-friendly experience

This will be received as geographic coordinates at the backend i.e., as latitudinal and longitudinal values. You can also view the coordinates on the map.
This way, the checkout location picker plugin improves the checkout experience and saves time on product delivery as now there is no need for further searching or conversations to find the exact delivery point.
All the delivery person needs to do is, set the delivery address as a destination point in their Google maps and follow the directions.

The “View in Map” option will directly open the customer location on your Map application.
This Location Picker for WooCommerce is built in a highly versatile framework. All the features, labels, etc. are highly flexible and can be turned on or removed at any time as per your need.
Furthermore, it is an essential WordPress plugin with very fast installation steps and well-written Documentation to maintain the quality of User Experience on your checkout page.
Easy Customization
WooCommerce Checkout Location
Map picker is a plugin that gives full control over its features to the users. All options are easily customizable and can be removed if unnecessary.
Also, the map elements like the zoom in & out options, street view, auto fetch location, full screen, Map / Satellite view, hide/show map, latitude, and longitude are all can be hidden. The default version of the map in the plugin has all the features embedded in it as shown.
Checkout location picker – All options enabled
This view of the WordPress plugin could make your customers’ heads throb, let alone make them mark their location on it. We know that too. But what we don’t know is, which of these features works best for you and which of those you don’t need.
So what we have done is we have made our checkout loccation picker plugin super flexible. Apart from the hide option for all the labels and the map itself, the map view and its styles are all changeable via CSS.
Location Map Picker – Settings page
That means you can easily customize and make it compatible with your WooCommerce theme. To know more about the settings functionalities, please refer to this plugin documentation.
Note: Avoid using SG WooCommerce Checkout location picker nulled version from other untrusted sources. You can download the free version from WordPress plugin store. Using nulled plugins may affect your website health.
SG woocommerce checkout location picker Documentation
20 reviews for Checkout Location Picker for Woocommerce pro
1.1.12 - 16 DEC 2024
- Improvement: Update checker upgraded to version 5.5
1.1.11 - 14 DEC 2024
- Fix: Minor fixes
- Fix: Errors were fixed in thank you page
- Improvement: Compatible with WooCommerce version 9.4
- Improvement: Compatible with WordPress version 6.7
1.1.10 - 18 APR 2024
- Improvement: Code compatible with WooCommerce version of 8.1
- Improvement: Code compatible with WordPress version of 6.3
1.1.9 - 22 MAR 2023
- Improvement: Code compatible with WooCommerce version of 7.5
- Improvement: Code compatible with WordPress version of 6.2
1.1.8 - 13 MAR 2023
- Improvement: Code compatible with WooCommerce version of 7.4
1.1.7 - 10 FEB 2023
- Improvement: Code compatible with WooCommerce version of 7.3
- Improvement: Code compatible with WordPress version of 6.1
1.1.6 - 26 OCT 2022
- Improvement: Code compatible with WooCommerce version of 7.0
- Improvement: Code compatible with WordPress version of 6.1
**1.1.5 - 25 JUL 2022 =
- Feature: Map links of billing address and shipping address added in my order for customer.
- Feature: Map links of billing address and shipping address enable / disable options added in admin settings.
- Improvement: Code compatible with WordPress version of 6.0
- Improvement: Code compatible with WooCommerce version of 6.7
1.1.4 - 16 JUL 2022
- Feature: Map view can be show based on product wise.
- Feature: Default map view is customisable through settings.
- Improvement: Code compatible with WordPress version of 6.0
- Improvement: Code compatible with WooCommerce version of 6.6.1
1.1.3 - 05 MAY 2022
- Improvement: Code tested with WordPress version of 5.9
- Improvement: Code tested with WooCommerce version of 6.4
1.1.2 - 11 JAN 2022
- Fix: console error fixed if not available shipping methods / disabled shipping methods are empty in checkout page
1.1.1 - 16 DEC 2021
- Feature: Map view added in Thank you page
- Feature: Disable plugin based on shipping method
- Improvement: Code tested with WooCommerce version of 6.0
- Improvement: Code tested with WordPress version of 5.8
- Fix: restricted js file for checkout page only
1.1.0 - 06 JUN 2021
- Feature: Hooks added before and after of map title and map in billing and shipping section: sgitsclp_before_billing_title, sgitsclp_after_billing_title, sgitsclp_before_billing_map, sgitsclp_after_billing_map, sgitsclp_before_shipping_title, sgitsclp_after_shipping_title, sgitsclp_before_shipping_map, sgitsclp_after_shipping_map
- Improvement: Code tested with WooCommerce version of 5.3.0
1.0.9 - 27 APR 2021
- Improvement: billing latlong same as shipping latlong if billing / shipping addresses are same.
- Improvement: Code tested with WooCommerce version of 5.2.2
1.0.8 - 30 OCT 2020
- Improvement: Code tested with WooCommerce version of 4.6.1
- Improvement: Unwanted files and codes are removed
- Improvement: Minified js files used.
- Improvement: Plugin loading size reduced.
1.0.7 - 13 AUG 2020
- Improvement: Added support for WordPress 5.5
- Fix: Remove admin notice for plugin review.
1.0.6 - 30 JUL 2020
- Improvement: Removed inline javascript. Optimised js files.
- Fix: Map map not showing error in some cases.
- Fix: issues related to mobile view.
- Fix: Screen,help toggle menu not working.
1.0.5 - 20 JUL 2020
- Feature: Setting option for hide full screen control, user location control, zoom control, street view control and map type control.
- Feature : Added custom style setting option in backend for more customisation control.
- Feature : Added user location custom GPS icon for locate the user location.
- Fix : Added fix for third party checkout field customisation plugins.
- Fix : Fixed some issues in mobile view.
1.0.4 - 27 JUN 2020
- Feature : custom icon cab be uploaded.
- Improvement: WordPress 5.4+ compatibility.
- Fix: Minor fixes.
1.0.0 - 27 JUN 2020
- initial free version
Ben Schmitz –
This is what I really want. Awesome Plugin! Worked as expected. You guys did an amazing job.
Elian Dante –
I was planning to hire a developer to build a plugin to collect exact delivery area for shipping. I did a small research on the Internet and found this Checkout Location plugin. Glad to tell you that this is what I really wanted to develop. All the features in new updates are really great. Appreciate your hard work and foreseeing WooCommerce business needs.
Justin Albert –
Most useful WooCommerce Plugin. At last my hunting ends here. Lightweight and easy to use WordPress plugin. Very knowledgeable and helpful customer support too.
David –
Loved the plugin, loved the idea, sadly I was just trying it out but it broke my checkout page…
sarankumar –
Can you send a support email with screens shots at [email protected]? we can look into it.
ahmed –
Thank you for this great plugin. Is there any plan to have address fields to be filled automatically based on the map location?
sarankumar –
Hello Ahmed,
We are not planned to add automatic address filling for shipping fields based on map. Intention of this plugin is for geocoding based, which means customer enter an address and based that address geo-cordinate/map is plotted(Address to Map).
May be you are looking is Reverse Geocoding based plugin. Customer mark shipping address in map and based on marker address is automatically populated. This plugin is under development and we are testing it. We hope that we can release the first version within a week with a name “Sg Delivery Location Map Picker”. We will notify you on email when its available to download.
William –
It is a must-have plugin with very helpful functionality and everything works smoothly. Great work team.
Mason alexander –
Exceptional plugin, great service and responsive support. Suits perfectly with our website and so far no issues.
Aden –
At first, I had little doubt with the plugin but it is working like a charm, so good
rizki hidayat (verified owner) –
do you have to use the paid version of the google map API? I have purchased this plugin,
sarankumar –
Plugin require google map api to works. see doc for getting google map api
Ezra –
Very helpful.Thanks, team
Gael camden –
Simple to install and gives a lot of clarity for the customers while checking out. Thank you sevengits team.
Asher_rk –
Took only a little time to set up and works grt.
Miles –
No issues so far, I am happy with the convenience provided by the plugin. Tidy work!
Ele wikins –
Great work guys, I been searching for a similar plugin and glad i found you guys
greyson lan –
Pretty much a standard plugin.
Cristian Alfaro (verified owner) –
Is not working for me just show the map but not capture the address for shipping
Reto Leandro Leutwiler Rojas (verified owner) –
I like it a lot & it makes the shippment a lot easier, may i know if its possible to change the map style? I need to put a Google My Maps style to show zip codes but it don’t work.
saran –
As of now, this feature is not available in the plugin. But in a future version, we will try to include this feature.
Marcel –
I have to pay to google a fee for using the google maps tool
Richard –
Hi, this is a pre-sale question, is it posible to deactivate the feature of based of the address fields geocoordinate the point on the map? I know this could actually be a disadvantage, but I need the client just mark their actual location and to be seen by the admin.
saran –
The current plugin dont have the option but you can customise the code. We followed all WordPress standards while coding.
rain jacket –
The SG Woocommerce Checkout Location Picker by Sevengits is an excellent addition to any online store that wants to offer a customized checkout experience. This plugin allows customers to select their preferred delivery or pickup location during checkout, which is especially useful for businesses with multiple store locations. The interface is easy to use, and the plugin can be customized to match the store’s branding. Overall, this plugin is a helpful tool for any Woocommerce store looking to improve their customer experience.